We engage ourselves to guaranty the confidientialy of personnal information that the customer provides to Plecter Labs
Volatile Data gathered by Plecter Labs
To complete your order, we need to know who you are and we have to save data provided by your computer. The "cookies" are little piece of software stored on your computer and used in this unique aim : storing during your visit the time you spent at Plecter Labs, your ID (login and password) and the contents of your cart while your buying items. Once you've checked out and payed, the contents of the cookie is deleted, our "cookies" being of a "volatile or temporary" kind. No worries about this, then !
Protection of your personnal data
Plecter Labs gathers certain informations necessary for processing your order. We use those data with a lot of care and confidentiality.
Payment security
Credit Card Payment is provided by PAYPAL, a known and secure electronic payment provider for Internet transactions and payments. The transaction between the customer and PAYPAL is crypted using SSL and via HTTPS. Bank or credit card information you will exchange with Paypal are encrypted and will never be sent uncyphered over Internet. Absolutly no card number is stored or exchanged at/with Plecter Labs.
French and European Privacy Aspects
As stated by the Law on Computer Data and Consumer Rights (Loi Informatique et Libertés) voted on January the 6th 1978, you have the right to access, modify and suppress your personnal data. You can apply for this right by accessing your personnal customer account on Plecter Labs website, via the contact form, or by sending us an email at : contact[at]plecterlabs[dot]com[me].
Legal Mentions:
SIRET: 790 237 697 00012
A.P.E. Code : 4791B
CNIL # : In progress
CEO: Emmanuel FLETY
E-mail: contact[at]plecterlabs[dot]com[me]
Website: http://www.plecterlabs.com