This is not a perfect and accurate replica of the simrad range finder used in the movies. I chose to make the popular and cheap alternative using the Radica handheld game "Sub Assault". The game does not exist anymore, it was issued in the late 90's, but you can catch one on ebay from time to time. The object has a "good shape for a binocular device"... since the player is supposed to stick his face on it, and the submarines / torpedos are displayed inside. The conversion is really simple. A bit of white paint and here you are. Front optics were made with PVC plumbing parts and semi reflective mylar. Inside, I kept the glass (marked with a cross) of the LCD and I drill the case behind to get some light entering the device. I won't say it's a "real" binocular but... the feeling is there and you're not totally blind when using it. I added a blue LED wired to a button of the game pad, using the 2 AA battery compartment. Since the game pad interface buttons are using carbon rubber, the momentary electric contact has a certain resistance that is lowered when you press harder. Hence, I got a progressive control of the inside illumination. Totally useless but as usual... so cool to have some blue light in a tactical device ! I've also added 2 off-the-shelf potentiometers to have mobile buttons / settings.
I'm not very good for paint weathering on props. Here, I used a first coating of dark silver, then with the masking technique of mustard dabs, I sprayed the white paint (3 coats). Once dry, rincing with clear and warm water, the masked zones remain metal like. Dirt has been made with old 400 grit sand paper that sanded aluminium : aluminium particles get in the paint when I sand it and it's saying very well, no need of a protective coating.